
West Peckham in Kent

Google map showing area surrounding West Peckham
Location: 51.250125,0.355784
General Details
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West Peckham is shown as the red symbol on the map.

Nearby Villages

(click on symbol to see the village page)
Village= Town= Recorded in Domesday=
Coxheath (Soldiers and Duels)6.15 miles
East Peckham (Centre of the Hop Industry)2.94 miles
Hadlow (Mays Folly - 150ft tower)
2.07 miles
Linton (Cavalier loses House)
6.99 miles
Mereworth (The First Victoria Cross)
1.23 miles
Yalding (longest medieval bridge in Kent)
3.73 miles
Copyright Villagenet 1998-2024
Local Interest
Just click an image
Battle Museum of Local History
(Hard to find but worth the Visit)
Talk in Code fabulous new Album
Wealden Iron Research Group
Roman, Saxon and Norman History of the South East
For all things mosaic, commissions workshops etc please contact Hannah
Ninfield History Group
World War 2 Vehicle database
Wadhurst History Society
Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group
Battle and District Historical Society
The Bald Explorer for local documentaries